Teresa Manferrari

Gorizia, 1992.
Teresa Manferrari studies Comics and Illustration at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna. In 2015 she was selected at the Illustrators Exhibition of the Children's Book Fair in Bologna and won the Ars in Fabula Grant Award, thanks to which she attended the Master Ars in Fabula and where she collaborated with the Sinnos publishing house, which assigned her the book project “Chi trova una volpe trova un tesoro”, a story by Sofia Gallo, published in 2017. In 2018, in collaboration with the Ars in Fabula school and Rizzoli Education, she created the illustrations for the educational publishing house, in particular the design of two tote bags themed "The school I would like". Since 2020 she has been teaching Art and Image in lower secondary schools and Graphics and Communication in high schools, also carrying on the work of graphics and illustration.
“Chi trova una volpe trova un tesoro” by Sofia Gallo (Sinnos)
Technique: acrylic