by Barbara Sandri, Francesco Giubbilini
Quinto Quarto Edizioni, Faenza, 2020
Technique: digital
Camilla Pintonato
Venice, 1991
Camilla Pintonato graduated from the IUAV in Venice with a degree in Communication Design, continuing her training with a Master's in Editorial Illustration from Mimaster, followed by a two-year specialist course in Communication and Design for Publishing at Urbino’s ISIA. A freelance illustrator and graphic designer, she collaborates with various publishing houses, also illustrating the works of the great Gianni Rodari. A project partnered by Barbara Sandri and Francesco Giubillini was published in Germany and Italy and was also included in the programme of the American publisher Princeton Architectural Press and the Chinese publisher Ginkgo Book. She has published other books released in different languages, including French, English and Russian. For three years, Camilla was art director of the self-produced illustrated fanzine "Pelo Magazine". She collaborates with the Venice Fondaco dei Tedeschi, creating the shore window displays and interior design.