Veronica Ruffato

Camposampiero, 1989.
Veronica Ruffato studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice. In 2016 she was selected for the Illustrators Exhibition of the Bologna Children's Book Fair and she won the Ars in Fabula Grant Award. She attends the Master of Macerata, where the publisher ZOOlibri assigns her the project “Il brutto anatroccolo” by H.C. Andersen, her debut book published in 2018. She later illustrated numerous books from which she obtained various awards, among others: "Il soldatino" written by Cristina Bellemo (ZOOlibri) and “Un po’ più in là” written by Pina Irace (ZOOlibri). Her illustrations have been exhibited at major events such as the China Shanghai International Children Book Fair and the Beijing International Book Fair.
Since 2015 she has been part of the BaldoBranco Collective, engaged in the planning of exhibitions and in the activity of self-productions.
“Il brutto anatroccolo” by H.C. Andersen (ZOOlibri)
Technique: watercolor